Polish Version

Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek problemy
z poniższymi programami,
przeczytaj te informacje.

If you have any problems
while running below listed programs,
read this information.

PLANET TRAJECTORY - oblicza i kreśli trajektorie planet
/v. PAS2.01PL/ (1998/2006) - Polish language version

PLANET TRAJECTORY - counts and draws trajectory of planets
/v. PAS2.01EN/ (1998/2006) - English language version

CODATA 1986 Recommended Values of the Basic Constants and Conversion Factors of Physics and Chemistry
/physlib1.pas - Pascal Library/ (1995)

CODATA 2002 Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants
/physlib2.pas - Pascal Library/ (2006)

CODATA 2002 Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants
/Fundamental Physical Constants.xls - Microsoft Excel Library/ (2006)